Great Lakes Star Gaze
River Valley RV Park
Gladwin, Michigan, September 17-20, 2009
Doug Bauer, Therese Oldani, Dennis Salliotte
John Schroer, Jon Blum, Don Klaser
John Kirchoff
Ken Anderson, Tom Cokely, John Connop
Steve Flessa
Chris Strang
Tony Licata with his wife Birgit
and their kids Andrew, Esther, Joanna
Steve Harvath
Mark Jeffrey
Dave Holt, Don Wheeler
Bob MacFarland winning Ethos at
receiving his prize from Kevin Dehne
Ron Shank, John Lines
Doug Bauer, Bob Berta
Rocket launch
Astrophotos contest
Biggest scope on the field:
Gary Gibb's 30" Dob with 10' orchard ladder
Pink Porta-Pottie
Kevin Dehne selling Petosky stones
Dinner at Surrey House
Jon Blum, Don Klaser, Bob Berta, John Connop, Doug Bauer, Bob MacFarland, Dennis
Salliotte, John Schroer
Dinner at Hangs
Bob Berta, Jon Blum, Bob MacFarland, John Schroer, Dennis Salliotte, Doug Bauer,
Therese Oldani, Ken Anderson, Jon Root
Waiting for door prize drawing
Back row: Don Klaser, Bob MacFarland, Chris Strang, Dennis Salliotte, Bob
Berta, John Schroer
Front row: Doug Bauer, Jon Blum, Ken Anderson, Steve Flessa
Dennis with his setup
Jon with some of his gadgets